
Books, Publications & Talks


Eglinton, K.A. (2013). Youth Identities, Localities, and Visual Material Culture: Making selves, making worlds. Dordrecht: Springer.

Eglinton, K.A. (2003). Art in the Early Years. London: Routledge.


Wexler, L. &  Eglinton, K.A. (2015). ‘Reconsidering youth well-being as fluid and relational: A dynamic process at the intersection of their physical and social geographies’. In J. Wyn & H. Cahill (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Dordrecht: Springer.

Hickman, R. &  Eglinton, K.A. (2015). ‘Visual art in the curriculum’. In M.Fleming, L.Bresler and J. O’Toole (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Arts and Education. New York: Routledge.

Eglinton, K.A. (2008). ’Using participatory visual ethnography to explore young people’s use of visual material culture in place and space’. In R. Hickman (Ed.), Research in Art and Design Education: Issues and exemplars, (Chapter 4). Bristol: Intellect.


Eglinton, K.A., Gubruim, A., and Wexler, L. (2017). ‘Digital storytelling as arts-inspired inquiry for engaging, understanding, and supporting indigenous youth’. International Journal of Education and the Arts.

Wexler, L.,  Eglinton, K. A., & Gubruim, A. (2014). ‘Using digital stories to understand the lives of Alaska Native young people’. Youth & Society. 46(4).

Bidwell, N.J., S. Masbulele, Marsden, G., Tucker, W.D., Tshemese, M, Gaven, N, Ntlangano, Robinson, S, andEglinton,  K, A., (2013). ‘Walking and the social life of solar charging in rural Africa’. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 20, 4, Article 22

Eglinton, K.A. (2013). ‘Between the Personal and the professional: Ethical challenges when using visual ethnography to understand young people’s use of popular visual material culture’. Special issue ethics and youth research. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research.

Frohlich, D., Robinson, S.,  Eglinton, K.A., Jones, M., Vartiainen, E. (2012). ‘From cameraphone to mediaphone: Supporting creative media use in rural developing regions’. Mobile HCI

Eglinton, K. (2010). ‘“I got a lotta respect for him . . .”: Boys’ use of visual material culture to negotiate local masculinities’. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.

Hickman, R. &  Eglinton, K.A., (2010). ‘Exploring the ways in which youth engage with visual material culture in their everyday lives: A Framework for inquiry’. Australian Art Education, 32(2).