Current & Past Projects
Current & Past Projects
Current Projects & Roles
Executive Director and Co-Founder Footage Foundation
Program Director: Her{connect}Her – Forcibly Displaced Young Women and Voice (Footage Foundation)
Program Director: Girl-Talk-Girl – Young Women, Gender-Based Violence, and Voice (Footage Foundation)
Select Past Projects & Roles*
Research Fellow: Design Ethnographer -- Community-Generated Media Project, South Africa
Lead Qualitative Research Consultant: Compassion, Behavior Change, Obesity and Well-being
Visiting Fellow: ICT4D and Applied Ethnography
Lead Qualitative Research Consultant: Recruitment and Community-based Child Health Programs
Lead Ethnographic and Qualitative Community-based Researcher: Child Health, Needs Assessment
Qualitative Research Consultant: mMoney, Digital Financial Services, Multi-country Focus
Ethnographic Lead / Consultant: eHealth, mHealth, Cultural Adaptation, Obesity and Well-being
Lead Ethnographic Consultant: Under-served Youth/Family Health, Cultural Adaptation
Researcher: Digital Storytelling and Alaskan Indigenous Youth and Communities
Researcher: Qualitative Analyst, Life Narratives and Identities
Primary Investigator: Voices of Homeless Youth
Principle Investigator: Multi-sited Participatory Ethnography and Youth Culture
Client list available upon request
*These are select projects only since 2007